Team & Partners

The INKE Partnership is coordinated by the Canadian Social Knowledge Institute at the University of Victoria. Directed by Ray Siemens, Alyssa Arbuckle is Lead of Operations and Bea Grigsby-Larson is the Past Project Manager of the INKE Partnership. 

Our four key clusters are co-facilitated by Ray Siemens (UVic) and Alyssa Arbuckle (UVic) for Connection, Constance Crompton (U Ottawa) and Laura Estill (St. Francis Xavier U) for Training, Jon Bath (U Saskatchewan) and Jon Saklofske (Acadia U) for Community, and Tanja Niemann (Érudit) and Lynne Siemens (UVic) for Policy.

INKE Partnership Members

  • Clare Appavoo (Canadian Research Knowledge Network)
  • Alyssa Arbuckle (UVic) 
  • Paul Arthur (Edith Cowan University)
  • Jon Bath (U Saskatchewan) 
  • Jonathan Bengtson (UVic Libraries; Canadian Association of Research Libraries) 
  • Gwen Bird (Simon Fraser U Library) 
  • Bill Bowen (U Toronto, Scarborough; Iter) 
  • Susan Brown (U Guelph; Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory) 
  • Julia Bullard (U British Columbia)
  • Simon Burrows (Western Sydney U Digital Humanities Research Group) 
  • Colette Colligan (Simon Fraser U) 
  • Hugh Craig (U Newcastle) 
  • Constance Crompton (U Ottawa) 
  • Rebecca Dowson (Simon Fraser U Library) 
  • Jason Ensor (Western Sydney U) 
  • Laura Estill (St. Francis Xavier U) 
  • Lisa Goddard (UVic Libraries) 
  • Susan Haigh (Canadian Association of Research Libraries) 
  • Janet Halliwell (Janet Halliwell Associates) 
  • Rachel Hendery (Western Sydney U; DH Downunder)
  • Richard Lane (Vancouver Island U) 
  • Vincent Larivière (U Montréal) 
  • Michelle Levy (Simon Fraser U) 
  • Laura Mandell (Advanced Research Consortium)
  • Kim Martin (U Guelph) 
  • Shawn Martin (Dartmouth C) 
  • Aaron Mauro (Brock U) 
  • John Maxwell (Canadian Institute for Studies in Publishing)
  • Gabriel Miller (Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences) 
  • Brent Nelson (U Saskatchewan) 
  • Tanja Niemann (Érudit)
  • Milena Radzikowska (Mount Royal U) 
  • Geoffrey Rockwell (U Alberta) 
  • Stephen Ross (UVic) 
  • Jon Saklofske (Acadia U) 
  • Lynne Siemens (UVic) 
  • Ray Siemens (UVic) 
  • John Simpson (Compute Canada)
  • Michael Sinatra (U Montréal; Centre de recherche interuniversitaire des humanités numeriques) 
  • Peggy Storey (UVic) 
  • Kevin Stranack (Public Knowledge Project) 
  • Mark Turin (UBC) 
  • Christian Vandendorpe (U Ottawa)
  • Marcello Vitali Rosati (U Montréal)
