About INKE

The Implementing New Knowledge Environments (INKE) Partnership is a North American-based research network with the goal of fostering open social scholarship: academic practice that enables the creation, sharing, and engagement of open research by specialists and non-specialists in accessible and significant ways. The INKE Partnership is a Canadian Social Knowledge Institute (C-SKI; c-ski.ca) research partnership.

For over a decade we have brought together experts and leaders with the aim of realizing open, inclusive, and publicly-engaged scholarship that serves both academic interests and society at large. Our team includes researchers, partners, librarians, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, and research staff from across Canada as well as from Australia.

The INKE Partnership works to address challenges with scholarly communication by providing broad access to research, community training, public engagement, and policy recommendations. We do this through our Connection, Training, Community, and Policy clusters. This public-facing work helps to make open digital scholarship in Canada both viable and usable. 

We are grateful to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) for recently funding this work through a 2020-2027 Partnership Grant as well as for funding the Canadian-Australian Partnership for Open Scholarship via a Partnership Development Grant. Our current work also builds on a previous SSHRC-funded Major Collaborative Research Initiative that you can learn more about that work from our archived website: mcri.inke.ca.

Interested in open social scholarship? We’d love to connect with you. Please get in touch, subscribe to our newsletter for updates, and consider joining us in person one day!